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Scar Revision in Pune at VIKARA Center for Aesthetics, Skin, and Hair: Restore Smooth and Even Skin Texture

Welcome to VIKARA Center for Aesthetics, Skin, and Hair, your premier destination for Scar Revision in Pune. Our specialized treatments offer a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of scars and restore smooth and even skin texture. Let’s explore the world of Scar Revision and discover how it can rejuvenate your skin at VIKARA.
Surgery can leave scars as a natural part of the healing process. While some scars fade over time, others may be more noticeable. Scar management techniques, including scar revision surgery, are available to address their appearance. Scar revision surgery is a specialized procedure aimed at minimizing the appearance of scars. Our skilled surgeons employ advanced techniques to carefully remove or alter the existing scar tissue, promoting improved healing and reduced visibility. Whether from injury, surgery, or previous procedures, our scar revision surgery aims to enhance skin texture and tone, restoring a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. It’s crucial to discuss potential scarring with your surgeon before any procedure and follow post-operative care instructions to optimize healing and minimize visible scarring.

Scar revision surgery may be indicated for various reasons, including:

Cosmetic Concerns: When a scar is aesthetically displeasing or affects one’s appearance, scar revision can improve its cosmetic appearance.

Functional Impairment: Scars that restrict movement or impact functionality may require revision to restore normal function.

Keloid or Hypertrophic Scars: Revision may be considered for raised or thickened scars, such as keloids or hypertrophic scars, to reduce their prominence.

Contractures: Scars causing tightness or contractures, particularly after burns, may necessitate revision to improve mobility.

Scar Discomfort or Pain: Scars causing discomfort or pain might be addressed through revision to alleviate symptoms.

Scar from Previous Surgery: Revision may be considered for scars resulting from previous surgeries to enhance the overall outcome.

The procedure for scar revision surgery can vary based on the specific characteristics of the scar. However, a general outline includes:

How Scar Revision Works:

Scar Revision involves the following steps:

  • Consultation: During your initial consultation, our experienced plastic surgeon will evaluate the size, type, and location of your scar, discuss your goals, and recommend the most appropriate treatment option for you.
  • Treatment Options: Depending on the type and severity of your scar, our plastic surgeon may recommend various treatment modalities, including laser therapy, surgical excision, dermal fillers, microneedling, or topical treatments.
  • Procedure: The chosen treatment is performed in a controlled and sterile environment, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia may be used, depending on the extent of the revision.
  • Incision: The surgeon makes an incision to remove the existing scar tissue. This may involve excision, geometric rearrangement, or a layered closure technique.
  • Suture Closure: The incision is closed with meticulous sutures to minimize tension and optimize healing. Some procedures may use techniques like Z-plasty or W-plasty for more complex scars.
  • Dressing and Monitoring: A dressing is applied to protect the incision site. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing.
  • Aftercare: Following Scar Revision treatment, our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to promote optimal healing and minimize the risk of complications.

The benefits of scar revision surgery include:

  • Improved Aesthetics: Enhances the cosmetic appearance of the scar, making it less noticeable or more in line with surrounding skin.
  • Functional Improvement: Addresses scars that may be restricting movement or causing functional impairment, improving mobility.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Alleviates discomfort or pain associated with the scar, enhancing overall comfort.
  • Treatment of Abnormal Scarring: Effective for addressing abnormal scars like keloids or hypertrophic scars, reducing their prominence.
  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Improves confidence and self-esteem by addressing concerns related to visible scars.
  • Minimized Contracture: Scar revision can help minimize tightness or contractures, particularly important in cases of burn scars.

Schedule Your Scar Revision Consultation in Pune:

Ready to restore smooth and even skin texture with Scar Revision? Contact VIKARA Center for Aesthetics, Skin, and Hair in Pune to schedule your personalized consultation. Let us help you achieve the skin you’ve always desired and regain your confidence with Scar Revision.
Restore Your Skin’s Beauty with Scar Revision at VIKARA – Pune’s Premier Aesthetics Center.


Q: Is scar revision suitable for all types of scars?

A: Scar revision is effective for various scars, but it depends on factors such as scar type, location, and individual healing characteristics. Consultation with a plastic surgeon is crucial for personalized advice.

Q: How long does it take to recover from scar revision surgery?

A: Recovery times vary based on the extent of the procedure. Generally, patients can resume normal activities within a week, with continued improvement over several weeks.

Q: Will scar revision completely eliminate the scar?

A: While scar revision aims to improve the appearance of scars, complete elimination is not always possible. The goal is to minimize visibility and enhance aesthetics.

Q: Is scar revision painful?

A: Discomfort is typically managed with pain medication during the initial recovery period. Pain levels vary based on individual tolerance and the extent of the revision.

Q: Are there risks associated with scar revision surgery?

A: As with any surgery, there are potential risks, such as infection or adverse reactions to anesthesia. A qualified surgeon will discuss these risks during the consultation.

Q: How soon after the initial injury can scar revision be performed?

A: Scar revision is often delayed until the scar matures, which can take several months. However, consultation with a surgeon can provide specific guidance based on individual cases.


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